

31 May, 2010

if eyes wider & we'd see

if eyes wider &                   
                  we'd see from i.r. to u.v.-
           how i'd view you to me                   
     for what stains & what thermal 
                     would fail to zipper lips to private counsel?

   & will the shark                     
                                     - when yr in twopiece
                 electricmuzzle you more beautiful          
                             than i & does the honeybuzz bee detect a nectar
                  sweeter than ambrosial wetting-petal?     
      & what how just does spot nose
                                            upon these hands?
        i understand that birdscan              
                                                     catastrophic happenings.     
                                           i wonder what they'd wing of    
     storms as these.                           

                          phenomena has girth, my octopus                        
            (& lateral horizons                                  
                       so look me in the compound-i                          
           & forever to me talk senses.                  

truth in advertising

you may need   

                                        to take a smaller dosage


                   you have kidney failure


                   are taking certain other


sonnet for dinner

it eats me! i eat at you & suck
marrow from yr bones, oh prandia!
let me stay for you & whip a lil' something
up thru pantries (& by scratch.

                  i'll attend yr many courses.
forked diplomacy, yr salad is undressed
(to have it on the side) - napkin on yr lap.
breadbasket, i                                 
                       on yr

fed upon by                                
         fingers & 
haveyou for you eating-in?            
                                haveyou eating-out?
an offering~                                  
                  taken in the mouth.    
                                                                            won't let                                
                     me be
yr  licked

yet, i am feeling a tad peckish &
there are children starving in africa.

sonnet for lunch

when we first met for you, i was wrapped
in cellophane & it was in the bag.
i fed within your court & did you
know then nothing lasts forever?

no corners cut as a mother's love
                             ( at longlastlost to caffetoriums
everywhere &                      
                         yr old home wrecker,
lady lunch,                                 
                                 serves the foul & the fare.

 & what the crust                              
                                  & how much mustard
                                                                                            must be cut befitting mayo?
hard to will  (our daily swill)  -     
                                   banal as it is in heaven
                       & what to ever sup in this                                           
                                               our incessant doldrum-hour?

oh lunch!                                              
                            when will we discover what we've lost?
                             i need to take you out before yr tossed.

sonnet for breakfast

till when the eggy morn has broke her shell,
as yoke & whites go slithering to pan-
by piggylard we're sizzlin'- frying ways to hell
with the breakfast of intentions as we can.

thus greased - asliced & layed our slab of ham
upon the cutting-board, we render flesh
to feast. transubstantiate the beast - i am
that which i eat & now i dine your death.

& milk bled from the udder - churned to butter
cut & hotknifed - spreads easily for bread.
to table: palms clasped, mouthing words we utter,
piousless & practiced bow our heads.

poor ol' dawn, her rosy palm must cup this daily curse,
& when her fingers red arise, i know which finger greets us first.

truth in advertising

fifteen minutes            
                               can save you!

15%. . .                     

                                or less.

23 May, 2010

again that'd be terrible

needle-ssly difficult of more
(fiend) leaves xmarks, exlax~
& godforbid you shivershakesieze
again yr head against all windows.
& i'd hate to see you cheekchomp
blood againmy fingers down yr maw
again w/ whiteeyedrolling till
you come to w/ fight & flight
cuz again that'd be terrible.

i was walking it's morning &

i was walking it's morning &
i wander are you all around in
picket-fence soft places
wholly cul de sacrament
taken in planned community.

& hallowed are your gray still temples open
to all vagabonds & transience
in streetlamp light of tracts as these.

& does he honey-home you
in all the living room you've
borne to mortgage. what the 
cost & who the deed &
how are you on storage?
& does he palm the purchased
egg & does he grind
your beans. & when he
makesitforyouinbed - have you truly
broken fast?

was just wandering          
i was in the neighborhood
                       and it's morning.

off the record, stop, play

catonine tails got yr tongue
tied rising hightailing it out
of here no evil see
no your enemy, myself & eye
doctors hours by minute-
menstral cramping styles
off the record, stop, play.

even so

even so there is no quibble
over meaning what we say
to mean to one another -
things must be even so

you go first & i will
wait since thats what we're
so good at afterall

even so there is no way 
to one another
under meaning what we mean
to say we say
even so there must be
even so.

a crown of gold

enthroned away tis noble
-se floss addressed w/ english
on the spin.
a crown of gold to cap
a rot in royal absessory~
& from all root attendant
til enameled domo
gnashing at the bit             
       & cut to gum
tonguing loose successors,
toothily grin.

tendrils to the trellace

train yr tendrils to the trellace,
 morningglory - all over yrself     
(fingers in nooks - runners laying cop to crook
in climbing                            
                            walls & clinging at the wire~

& mid the purplethick petal lip&bulbing-
reaching gloriana greets the daylord
(hello, sunshine.

her harness is fit to rein

her harness is fit to rein
& with boot-soles strapped to stirrups
besaddled one might ride - alternately
 gripping fists of mane & saddlehorn

brindled mare acanter
lathers up to stride

(horses always horses.

(horn voiced)

(horn voiced)

my mangy muffin, you think it's   
all or nothing but itsnot for not     
everything that                            
                              falls is worse & aiming
too high can be just as cursed an angel, oh
angle of all that's fangled's strung upon
the star cross and tangled take
one for the pain
take one for the babies

19 May, 2010

rough night of the officer

cptn phlegm-flam's well
in-formed ~putting ears to ground
& whispers w/ the worms,
muffling cough in his hands

(everything is flecked.

& nightcrawlers stir the earth

? --> cycle

windchimes knell to the sixth house of loneliness
& rising signs signify justabit too much
in our ponderous porchorbit.

when mercury's in renegade & venus,
conjunct & sextile, ouijaes
feathers - mind the skies.

not all w/omen come shaped like birds
but some do


18 May, 2010

specters of spectra

passingthru & bouncing-off
just spinning from the bang-
bang boomwombbomb of forthed
ex-plosions (infra/ulra) on all bands
(so even frequency htz.
even so,
we are all protonic-
specters of spectra
particles & in(waves~

werewolf in a delivery room

what runs at full-
moon but is not
a grunion

what poaches mothers
whist laying in wait
w/ kiddie death buckets

what killed only by silver
 glint of scale & promise
of soft flesh & bones
as alien as anything

(what folly

drive notes at times do

thunk-true bassline carries
over & thru windows
yard & caulk & tho
quiescent are the eyes of horus
-bookends are unrested
& twins of bastet purr
in kindred bloodthirst

drive notes at times do

quantum speech

you are/n't what i'd n/ever im/
possible/d - you'd oft un//touch 
w/such s/kill me i/'m/move

is/n't to your/s cleave/d
won't we

hither the ways, compastronette-

hither the ways, compastronette-
& legend is key - lines are minded
than alive re: present

my geo-positional sister,
forgo the grid & be(come the ink -
be(come the page

the map is the thing(ing
& signage is forever more than is made of

# of ^

find the sum of x,
# of my flesh.
-present to surly integer
suchaswhen 3c@s sank & seven
ochoed nine-
these stigmata are prime as eleven
to the # of ^

lucky numb(er nothing to one

lucky numb(er nothing to one
heretical x countless billions
equals quantified faith:

in defy of skeptic denominates
sits godglorious unity on throne of line.

has always chance already come
to pass & fast approaching zero
is still always never nothing

17 May, 2010


hush strungone, cede to palmmeat mut-
ed rhythmstrums  adown-struck to
pouncing tight fingering accord


nativesofnativity us(e)

(w)in cant of replicant,
(w)asp & pow of power-aspect
the (w)ack identity-dent of acknowledgment
overtly vert, doubt & do.

disease is & (w)is(e) the ass of reassurance,
forrow row of dissonant son
& bot to bottom we're numb w/ these numbers-

callous nativesofnativity us(e), call us.

hexagram four

-neath branch aldar
placed auspicious - in crysalis
was c@erpillar 

irid & diaphon @ the wing,
tremulousmembraned & cell-
intrepid wings will beat.

roofcock rides the wind

'lo press-sure yr fronting
barrow, measure-maid.

metered of brumal & therm
bonedeep six" under any
worn or standing weathervein

the rooster crows of angles & storm
for roofcock rides the wind.

14 May, 2010

hexagram three

bay lone she camel
humping dunes
a midnight nipple in the sand

brisking particulate lashes
draw strokes thicker than water
in crisping glints

13 May, 2010

hexagram two

hop-springing Vernal,
gone nativity & poaching
southwestern myrrh

knapsack & pachydermus
trunking thrice wisemanned-
gifted we our bearings

hexagram one

yarrow-stalker- use english
on yr tossing, why
don't you, Fortuner.

straw-cross plumber-
irrationalize z-axial forms
unpublished futures.



gronch flearily, Polcer.
snod entendron ku Teeples -
phoxiferous & zelphing,

Tol ee sen Tal.


fixed are our adornments

this sentimental silver braces
on & lodged in places signets
flesh to forged memory.

(what oft begets why~
& silence's daughter din.

could she who smelt as such
have tended ends as this

what word
was spelled in casting
what grammar 
in the etch~
how sensitive
to language
are the anvil & the lathe-

does pounding hammer pulse of shape
ring in you clearly still.
truly know what she has wrought.

in skin of what's become,

clampalm vis-a-vis arterial awareness - 
capilary suspect divining immediate

release of hostages.
terms more implied than given, inspector.

though i do ask you follow closewords
lineofquestioning - 
in skin of what's become,
who is any to query motive. 

09 May, 2010

pneumatic heir-compressor

w/ those motored horses,
y'll have no truck applying
from pressure shaft 
to valve, heir-compressor.

my country, it is of thee

O' life, O' liberty, O' the pursuit~
of thee i sing, for
in my true god & country,
(if my election could, dear candidate-
you would be president.

(thy name i love, rocks&rills-
& i will be the senators in your cabinet
in yr templed hills & woods.

& from your oval office,
let mortal tongues awake for
together we'd make congress.
& w/ our constitution on every mountainside
we, authors of liberty, court supreme.-

(let freedom ring.

from the crow's nest

land ho! & if i
fell from such lofty hights
as this? would you plunge to 
& see me ashore~

& wouldn't i? gasping & beached
be saved.or

i will see you overboard,
in the waters of our lives-
(for we can dive at will
nowthatwe have foundland & our vessel.

twelve to one

twelve to one-

you are&i believe
it teaming & pull the sun.
(as i swim

you are the ram & i- porpoise,
a schooling of neptuna.

i believe&you are
eponymously striking
me as (day-thru & night-thru,
for we are softly steaming.

& to yr hoofing blaze & the arcing skyward pathings,
i will hold you in the seas when you com-
-et to my oceans-or splash-
down in these harbors, i
  always - mission of apollo,
  will catch you on night's reentry. 

you&i are believe
it born of depth & fire,
for midst our rose-red fingers,
tomorrow you will rise from me again~

twelve to one.

in such lanes

've both guttered in 
our alleys of old,
but now enshoed.

& in such lanes
already struck~

morethanenough i
have for you to pick-up spare /
in our current frame-
in rhythm - line's approached -
(let fly & release

whilst trolling

embark & laynet widesetting
o'er transable distances
& the wait of tons projected-

we can to catch such fish
(whilst trolling.

slicebelly cut,degut to lean,
strip tail-spine&head:
not so much a sign of christ
as offal by the book-
he died for these tins.

(whilst trolling,
we can to catch such fish~

08 May, 2010

my bark is worse

apocalypse of mentholated diarrhea-
eucalyptus spring-eternal 
pissing seed & cone
& hotshit spicey leaf,

control yr bladder!
oh, you mighty incontinent & besotted arbor~

who do you think you are?

(& although i piss on yr leg,
please don't go on my lawn.

in testament

to talk w/ you's confession
(& of prayer)

to speak of is a catechism-
& genuflected
to yr mass i am sermoned.

& in you i take communion
(the body & the blood 
upon my psalms,
i cross myself to the book. 
& on my knees in hymn to you-

i am reborn, lover.

night vision

late visitor ~ O' haunter
of the house of me
(tho you are welcome & i invite you in
so vivid you are almost real.

mad-laughter & low-moanings
echo in this vaulted room.
& you just shake those chains you wear
when all i want, ghostling, is to hold you.

the key is to not be scared
& to forget that you are not here
in body as you are in spirit.

but i beg you - be careful, specter ~
for i know where your bones lay
& for them to hold against my own,
i am both above & not.

life is a beach

in tidepools, south of the estuary,
silt deposits give to what juts-
&-cups in rough cradles
of anemone-flowers & mussel-beds.

shoaled - wetfoot & undersun,
(w/ crustacea & conch to the kelp,
we are humble in the wash~
treading careful.

& in wading for what may not be already found,
 life abounds.

a sub-directive

i'm giving her all she's got, cptn.
she can't take much more.
(she's breaking up!    

federation lady, avert thine headlights
(set to stunner
for your beam ups me.

(& before all red-shirts go to planet and die,
thru impulse and maximum warp
to let us boldly go 
& where know-one has gone be,
 for some sweet live long & prosper -

lady bootleather/downfeather

lady bootleather, sit awhile
on whiteleather couched evenings
in this spring of our summer.

lady downfeather, lay away
by lamplight nested & wet-feathered
in these eyes of our hearts.

on open-house heart bender

on open-house heart bender -
twist girdles & unhinging
wrench rebar to the jambs.

deep intake fully & wide
(to eddy & draught
& member to (re-member
let room to breathe.
(lungs fuller vista-

for to prospect on lovestar
from our scattered patios
& w/ vantaged porch-constellates
we birth vectors - perspective(')s
(learned anew
& nothing but scent & see~

host it suchly, realtor.

04 May, 2010

traveler's dilemma

i have the map but can't make out these lines.

that is clearly scrub-land, whereas over here this must be forest,

& those have to be houses or buildings -

the purple one is probably an inn. . .

but what do you make of this? what is it or are they?

a river? a waterway?

could those be ports?

are these roads of some kind?

a wall or barrier perhaps -

whoever made this could've made things more obvious.

power-shorts / (dusk walker

power-shorts mottle &                                           
                   squig (dusk walker, -
stroll out purposeful stridencies                       
                             nigh-unrespectable yet 
                       he jams.

03 May, 2010

my stegothesaurus

my stegothesaurus is so
knifelike cutting: - aciculate
briery, cuspate,
honedhorned jagged keen-
-edged needle-pointed & ground fine, 
peaked-pointed prickly-pronged
razor-sharp salient;
tapered- thorny- tined
unblunt & whetted
  >   to                the             touch.  <

(her day is soon breaking)

recant yr cupping, tumble-blossom 
~ spring breezes baby-breath
for in may, flowers

& olive from the soil & root
is proof of fruit on earth

& thou shall not go hungry
nor unbeautiful in
suchlush gardens,

(be(e) here,
pollen-full & at last
tumble-blossom, recant yr cupping~

(her day is soon breaking.)

sad nacho

cheesing couch-pigeon
cheddars illegal tender
melt topical maps
in hubris.

a heretic,
dam jack-sluicer
irrigational ~ aducting
to apline account:

grate expectation.

by stork-

by stork-
mortaled maculate
& albatrossed
to these aerial planes,

so :
w/ such terrible touching
that suffering is runway
oft aborted.


plussed grinning from here
to here ~                                                 
                                           i squawk 'n cawcackle
laughing tooth leerily -    
      (heh heh,

you prolly had to be there.

heroes welcome

jitzy, hobo of pogo),
 gallomphed his shit-kickers
in hq's iconic antechamber.

kid mutton boyed the screens)
accompliced as always w/ boniface
- smarmy wet-plasma cannon.

maske.r.a. vanked her thrice-blessed crimson sash) as
corporal pants by own admission: "thoroughly pizzled."

no one that day was saved.

02 May, 2010

am candelabra

well    -  sconced      to       pallor   ~  inflammable
(in shadow) enshelved,
we sit
above wainscot 
& vantaged on mantle
         (in shadow)                          (am candelabra.)       

neighbors' deal

detuned subterfugal,
a slyly rumble
to hit what jitters.

smirkin of unshame

plays to victim victor,
& all goes spoiled
when unrecent plucks.

the prime number of primary colors

the prime number of primary colors
is 3:

naughty cholesterol

"eat the egg," it s's,
"you know you'd love to-"
- naughty cholesterol, -

my uncommon wordling

my uncommon wordling,
you hot yiddish slang-

(just to speak on the lips)

& w/ plosives & sibilance~
in you i am fluent.

bird of a poem

"bird on the couch
beats two in a bush,
but one on la bouche
is besting."

} pecking in such avian tendencies {
 when gosling goes to goose
} migrate thusly {


cumquat / loquat

"ah, cumquat" sd i & the eye
that eye gave her sd, "whoa,
loquat - you feed me."

eattheskin & spit 
wet pits into my hand.

to the mothers

to the mothers i have met
along the way from then til now,

i would like to make you dinner.

ope, fledge - for

ope, fledge - for
you are over down, now
proud-feathered tail & pin.

perched nestly:            
& from there to ground 

                           is a lifetime.

01 May, 2010

a farmer's almenac hymnal

go forth high yield
in fields of probability:
& let us what's possible
twine to bind
in the sowing-

(once germinated
& grow toward sun)
-we plant.

dr. peptic

foreign antibody reject
adverse interior.
brightlight white-cell entreaty
sposed antidoting on
what is prolly curative.
& utterly proachable 
mannered bedside.

mollusks we

eight arms am eye
complex us in focus,
~cranny, hue & span.

flux mussel flex-jet~
the pearl is your oyster,
& we swim in oceans.