what do you do when it rains?
& what do you do when it storms?
do you differ in squall than to drizzle?
& what do you do when the sky cracks in two
& illuminates all for thunder and boom?
what do you do with a sprinkle?
what do you do with a drop?
& what do you do with the buckets,
the cats & the dogs, & where do you keep extra tarps?
and what do you do when it's raining?
do you think of rain dancing?
you think of mud streaking?
do you think of stoking the fire & of soup?
do you think of flames & of heat & of hearts
& yesteryear's weatherclouds over us breaking?
do you think like Noah and fear for the flood?
build boats - form arks - prepare for the pairing
& batten down hatches - a last bastioning
for God's will & yr own survival?
or do you think of Zeus when it thunders?
or remember what greek gods might lurk in the mists?
& will you recall the scorning of Hera
the next time the weather gives you wet kisses?
& what do you do in this element?
& how can any of us reciprocate such precipitate?
perhaps you will do as the rain does.
perhaps you will fall from above to the streets-
follow the path that resists you the least.
we might gather in gutters & puddle & pool-
somethings destroyed & others renewed.
do we splash in abandon & make mud not war?
do we dance on the roof & demand that we're heard?
do we sing you to sleep? do we keep you awake?
the patter & pound is of vector & rate.
do we give you ennui? does it give you the chills
for the aches in the bones - a payment for yesterday's bills
& purchases - no longer owned?
or does water-from-sky bring warmth to yr sweater?
& stomping in mud puddles make ya feel better?
is it the far of the fall? the drop of the drop?
when gathered in storm - how else could it stop?
for looking up often leads us to questions,
the whether of weather & wither to do,
ergo so in turn, i turn to the storm & ask:
what does rain do when it's you?
for what do you do in this element?
& how can any of us precipitates reciprocate suchly?