

29 June, 2010

nonagram one

incessant pining for peanuts:
a product of mis-
directed affection.

eating god for breakfast
sets the days first 
cigarette in a certain light.

monkey is the root
of all evil:
only apes war.

is it past a thought

is it past a thought
to spend pennysense
on grimy dimes?

germing of the $,
waitress daughter
dirty hands back change
from sullied register,

a village gesture-
infect reciprocal 
w/ contagions and gratuity,
in such sick we
enact our modern commerce.

hexagram five

nested for the egg
in crux of bough
begat a hatchling fed

on ma&pa's loving vomit
furthering the molt,
the fledger spreads.

28 June, 2010

to you i am

to you i am
a you & you
to me is too
a you & i
to me's the only
i that i can
only see an i
thru, see?
& unto you an i
to me's a you
so that all me's
that are not i
to you too many
you's for use
when i is less than
one & more than two.
the i's we use
as well as you's,
complexing ever
simple truths .

come, basilisk eye-

come, basilisk eye-
this cold dead bird life
doesnot fly but breeds them.

lunch not near the maggot
& be wary of the worm~

besides, it is less than sanitary.

here: at the chub lip

here: at the chub lip
of consequence -
brimming on the tongue,
an uttered plosive from
butjust & stedded.

so: parceled in our shipping
our mercantile waverings
portend a vasseling
to endless swayings of
all tidings~

hence: wet a finger
to the wind & raise
your white sails!
for guided by stars,
a far off port
is just a door

unsung at seams & bare

unsung at seams & bare
of thread in places all
knees & crotch & elbows
alternately jut & unsplay.

a spool to sew,
 needle & thimble
to thumb & finger-fore
from cloth to clothe-

cross-stitched & in
a fit of measurement~
in such-tailored vestment
we address our suitors.

a summer been laden diagram:

a summer been laden diagram:
prepositioned dusky heat
& verbing midst the caves &
hunting infame-
we'd be gods of august
in tense conditional & far
from perfect.
subject verb pronoun
verb article & object,

in stance askance

in stance askance
undained in watchful i's,
a pluraled palsy hush
es over ers of onlook.
& as the twins entwined 
to staff bewing-
ed & serpented a
caduceus do,
so healing comes from
forked tongues
& licks us in the doing.

16 June, 2010

ode to a mazzy star cd

standoverus, hope sandoval!
& lo yr melencholera
on sombre tollings
hithertoo unnaked
in the aster.

moan the lonesome sailor
home at last
from distant nazareth
& nuzzled in yr mutle-throated
offerings to pantheons-

all is mauve & groovy.

by gosh & golly, mercuroids-

    by gosh & golly, mercuroids-
 your pull is full & pluraled.
the swifting wit a catalyst 
 for benders in the archives.

       bookending twin (begun again
& wet a finger to the page
shall turn for all the words
in all the verses               
  of all worlds -               
  (for as i & i make ii -            
 our straightening of anything
just so a chance to bend    
       between the poles we pluck the                  
                                      lines & thrum the many from the few,     
    so the many faces in the facets             
                 of the gem. & i w/o ii          
doesn't do.      

alloy there:

alloy there:
nothing against yr holdings
dear, per se & yet as such
the smelting of your baser metals
is not so much conducive 
to the wattage we're to see by.

the parlor & the den demand
 a filament of least resistance,
lest the shadows & the dimlit
ruin eyes for good & nothing.

cast yrself in glass & gasses
filtered thru the aether
for the sconce that is askew
is of a bulb to be rescrewed.
& for all our astigmata,
but for that we would ask
is just a moresome fuller light
in which to see you.

for martyred offerings

lark darts hitheree & to
thru sunlipped yards &
airspace indefinite
to the chagrin of fallen seeds
everywhere- for we are beyond 
well zoned in this & more.

to wing bygone periphery 
in lights of spring &
nary a hawking eye under
which to tremble
on this low noon-

the cooing dove,
the beating thrush,
(atwitter by the caw
of local murders & the
vimming of the jay all
sing of that which
wiggles neath the earth.

as such the grub
& so the worm
& ergo even mole-
all liminal in june.
for these unlikely magi
three blindwisemen
bear no myrrh,
& fixed on stars
for martyred offerings
subsumed as gift to birth.

be well hinged, bivisager!

be well hinged, bivisager!
  mighty oaken doors of winter
set to sentinels & waries.
for when is keeping to not
keeping from? & hung up
on yr frame, in the month
of january-                      
re: minded of our falling backs
& oracles our forward spring~
from such a fixed vantage you
will never fully grasp
the longest day of summer
but for the push & pull 
& dingdongditching of the young.

it is for them we live to turn our phases of the moon

wax stentorian, senator-
for all the orators portend
a newmoons simply spoke
(nee hub
in ray of lunar cyclings.

yet you & i know both
limber werewolves & night
mother witches dancing tween
the shadow & the sea
that spell in intricate

so sit back down to earth, figurehead,
it is for them we live to turn our phases of the moon.

07 June, 2010


leans his a fullhead
taller than small men,
brother of the wincing lung
& liver eternal i know him.

a man of infinite
letters arranged just
so then otherwise men do.

the poet lariat whipping into shapes
& all our bright & pretty angles bleed
into oneanother darlingly-
as all the herrings in the
sea don't lift a fingerling to trout in.

he is the dog-ear (i see before me
& he the felt tip to the page.
surfing the fallout
of the rainbow terrible

he is


only to be read again.